
Just like many other Arabian Gulf countries, Kuwait used to have a long tradition of crafting wooden boats. Before the discovery of oil in the late 1930's, maritime activities such as pearls hunting or trading with Asian countries were the main sources of income for the country. This former boat economy is still part of the identity of Kuwait and many paintings in the capital city refer to it.

The ship graveyard is located in Doha, a suburban city of Kuwait City. Of course the vessels there are a lot more recent. They've been abandoned long after the oil trade replaced the pearl trade. They're the witnesses of the industrial naval era of Kuwait.

Some boats located further away from the coast are even sunk underwater just like this one:

The best time to visit the ship graveyard is at low tide so you can walk in between the boats. I've rented a car to make it for the only day when the low tide was also matching with the sunset. On my way back, I've driven across the Doha connection part of the beautiful bridge of Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah.

If interested in the former boats crafting and pearls fishing economy, you can visit the very interesting Maritime Museum of Kuwait City. Al Shaheed Park (the main park of Kuwait City) also displays one of these beautiful wooden boats.