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Chernobyl accident Major power plant accident that occured in Chernobyl in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (now Ukraine) on the 26th of April, 1986.

Chernobyl exclusion zone Zone that was evacuated in the weeks following the accident of Chernobyl (26th of April, 1986). It covers 2,600km equally reparted in Belarus and Ukraine and is divided into two parts: the 10km-area and the 30km-area. It still exists today.

Chernozemski (Vlado) Member of the IMRO who assassinated the king of Yugoslavia Alexander I in 1934 in France.

Colonization (Serbia) 

Comintern Also known as "Third International", an organization gathering all the Communist Party supporting a world communism and the Soviet Union. Controlled by the Soviet Union despite the official rules of the organization.

Committee for the National Defence of Kosovo (CNDK) Created in 1918, political oganization composed by exiles from Kosovo in Albania and leading violent and diplomatic actions for the independance of Kosovo.


Community Assembly of Kosovo and Metohija From 2008 to 2013, assembly gathering the municipalities in Kosovo opposing the independance of the country declared in 2008. It is replaced by the Community of Serb municipalities.

Community of Serb municipalities Created in 2013 following the Brussels Agreements, in order to represent the municipalities with a majority of Serb inhabitants in Kosovo. Its administrative center is North Mitrovica. It replaces the Community Assembly of Kosovo and Metohija.

Corfu Declaration In 1915, agreement between Croatia and Serbia to organize a new State, Yugoslavia.

Croatian Peasant Party (CPP) Croatian political party founded in 1904 by Stjepan Radić and aiming to create and consolidate a Croatian nation.

Cvetković (Dragiša) Yugoslav Prime Minister from 1939 to 1941.

Cvetković–Maček Agreement In 1939, agreements between the Yugoslav Prime Minister and the leader of the CPP allowing Croatians to have their own federal region in Yugoslavia.