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Nation In its modern terms (end of the 18th century), a community of humans reunited around a will to live together and the consciousness of a collective identity. It is also embodied by an institutional structure.


Nazism An ideology implemented by Hitler in Germany during the first half of the 20th century that lead to a totalitarist regime. It is based on the hierarchy between races established without any scientific ground. In this system, the "Aryans" (in Nazism, a category of people coming from northern Europe with genetic traits such as blue eyes and blond hair) are on top of the hierarchy, which justifies any sort of political violence toward the other races. It lead to the Shoah.

NKVD Name of the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs (interior ministry) of the Soviet Union from 1934 to 1946. Powerful and repressive administration in charge, among others, of the administration of the gulags and labor camps and of the secret police.

North Kosovo Region located in the north west of Kosovo with a Serb Kosovar majority (whereas the country's largest ethnicity is Albanian). Its main municipality is North Kosovska Mitrovica (" North Mitrovica" in Albanian).