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Self determination A principle from the US president Wilson stated in his Fourteen Points and being the result of the nationalist awareness in Europe starting at the end of the 18th century. Also a principle in international law. It establishes the right of a group of people to determine their will to live together and to choose their State and government.

September Constitution The second Constitution of Yugoslavia in 1931. It gives more power to the Serbian king as a reaction to the Croatian opposition to a kingdom centralized around Serbia.

Sigurumi State intelligence and secret police of Albania from 1944 to 1991.


Spomenik Monuments erected all across Yugoslavia during Tito's presidency to celebrate the victory of the Partisans during world war 2.

Stalin (Joseph) Born in Georgia, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1952 after Lenin. He implements a radical socialist State and a strong control over his population (labor camps, powerful intelligence service...). Dies in 1953.